Monday, March 10, 2014

The Self(ie) Generation - Karen

The Self(ie) Generation

An interesting research of the Pew Research Center, shows that millennials, who are people ages 18 to 33, are moving away from traditional institutions.
The Pew Research Center founds that half of millennials describe themselves as political independents and 29% don’t follow any religion; millennials have the higher levels of student loan debt, poverty and unemployment and lower levels of wealth and personal income than the two last generations had at the same age; only 26% of millennials are married and the predecessor generation were 36% married; millennials are native digitals, who don’t need to adapt the technology and social media.
Millennials don’t like to say that they are patriotic or religious, but they are the greater gap between most other generation. Also, they are more supportive of gay rights than any other generation. Even though millennials describe themselves as independent, they say that they have become more liberal on social issues. But the olders generations took another way, they have become more conservative, one reason to explain the direct opposition is because millennials haven’t married and had a family yet. Or this could be explained by the fact that this generation is fundamentally different.
The number of millennials identified as Republicans has been decreased much more than the percent identified as Democrats. Also, millennials were the only generation who support bigger government with more services as opposed to smaller government with fewer services, and the millennials majority said that it was the government’s responsability to ensure universal health care coverage, like most people in older generations. These can be explained by the divergence that millennials are more diverse than any other generation. If you ask the majority white millennials, they disagree and still support smaller governments and reject the idea of the government’s job ensure universal health care.
Good news for Republicans, millennials opinion about abortion and guns rights are quite the same as the other generations, also millennials majotiry don’t say they are environmentalists.

In conclusion, the author says that we have been experiencing an age of liberal-minded, millennials prefer to build their social networks on digital instead of the real world. He ends with a interesting phrase “This is not only the generation of the self; it’s the generation of the selfie.”, which means that the self generation can be reflected by the amount of photos of them taken by themselves.

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