Friday, March 7, 2014

City is Better --Oscar

Looking around the world, there are many big cities, such as Los Angles, New York, Beijing and Tokyo that are very famous. A lot of people want to live in the city now. There are three reasons why I believe living in the city is more beneficial for people than living in the countryside: convenient transportation, education and job opportunities. 

First reason of living in the city is more beneficial than living in the countryside is convenient transportation. First of all, the public transportation system is very developed. People can take buses, subways, or taxis because these are very cheap and quick. Other reason is most cities are transport bub. City has big train station, airport and bus station. If people want to travel on a long journey or go abroad, they have to go to city.

Another reason why living in the city is better is education. There are two examples. First, cities have many good schools. Students can transfer to other school if they want. Another example is cities have many big libraries and museums, these are good for study.

A third reason why living in the city is more beneficial than living in the countryside is job opportunities. There are two examples. First of all, many big companies are next to university, so they can offer graduate a good job. Second, working in city has higher salary than work in countryside. In addition, people can find more part-time jobs to get money.

In conclusion, convenient transportation, education and job opportunities are three reasons why live in city is more beneficial than live in the countryside. Even though lots of people prefers live in countryside, I like living in city.

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