Monday, February 24, 2014

North and South Koreans hold rare reunions by Hana

Last week, South Koreans and North Koreans, who were divided from their families because of Korean War, met each other at the North’s Mount Kumgang resort from 20 to 25 February. This event which name is the reunions had made in order to become better relations between North Korea and South Korea since 2000. This year, North Korea had bulldozed to cancel the reunions because of planning about US-South Korea drills. The reunions are short events. Families who were divided from both sides met for a number of hours and ate dinner together. Some people bought several present such as warm clothing and chocolate snacks etc, for giving their families. South Korea and North Korea have different system about choosing people who was separated. South Korea has lottery system to help to decide who is meeting their families. In contrast, North Korea has unclear system. Still, about 72,000 peoples want to see their families. Eventually, most of them are elderly people. Sadly, the reunions are the only legal method for people who were divided by Korean War to meet each other.

In South Korea, half of people do not agree the reunions because this event has to need a lot of taxes. In my family, my parents have been reacting negatively to the reunions. They have thought that it was the way wasting a lot of money. My parents also said that the government has to listen with great care to those who have a contrary view. I want to say that it does not mean that I have to “diss” people with opposing views. I am agreeing with the reunions. Most of people who were separated are over 80. They do not have much time. Their days are numbered. They will take the memory at the reunions with their families for the rest of their life. However, I do not want to the unification of South and North Korea. Some people and Internet media said that the reunification of Korea is a task that must be fulfilled in our generation. Many of our generation do not think so. President spoke of a ‘unification tax’, which would help pay for the high costs that reunification with the North would inevitably incur. This means that the government will increase tax. It is really horrible. If unification of South Korea and North Korea does suddenly, it could lead to people getting in trouble. For example, if North Koreans meet South Koreans in anyplace and they talk to each other, they could suffer culture barriers because two Koreas were separated for a long time so they have different ideals. Opinion about the reunion and unification are pros and cons for that. This Arguments for and against have tended to generate more heat than light. So, the issue must be handled with great sensitivity and care.

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