Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Google Glass Abdullah Alsaiari
Now a days, there are many technologies in the world as I see, but there are some of the technologies are useful. The most technologies today have to be successful and helpful. Google company creates a new glasses which is fashion and in the same time one of the best technology, that will be attitude as soon as finish by more evolution. Google glass is new technology because it has camera in the right side of the glasses which is help you to remember whatever you like. Google glass has also navigation that can helps you to get your direction and it has speaker to tell you how to go. In addition you can ask the glass about the whether from the mike and it will answer you. The amazing new think, when you want to go any place by the navigation you will see in the glass the navigation. The other amazing think they made in the Google glass you can check your E-mail that means the glass has internet network. If you don't use the Google glass for one minute it will terns off directly, I think that more important to save the power. Moreover you can share any picture you will take it from the Google glass to your friends immediately. The smart think they creates in the google glasses when you look at the sky, the glasses will tells you about the whether and it will tells you about the whole week. moreover, the glasses have to connect each other by sending a voice message. On the other hand, when you are going to meet your friends the glass will helps you to find them also if your friends have to shengs there ways the glasses will tells you about their destination. The glasses comes to 1500$ in the first time and I hope the price will be cheaper. I wish every glasses company are going to create smart thinks like Google glasses.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Everyday People Changing the World--Irene
by Irene
I read an article' Everyday People Changing the World' but I don't know who is the author. Gebregeorgis from love Kitten to child literacy. He is Ethiopia--At19, and borrowed a novel entitled love Kitten that changed his life forever. He is born in rural Ethiopia, his father was an illiterate cattle merchant who insisted that his son have an education. So Gebregeorgis had seen a few books in school. But having a book of his own sparked a lifelong commitment.
Today, he is establishing libraries and literacy programs to connect Ethiopian children with books. He tells us most Ethiopian children only have ability to use textbooks in the classroom. If books children read outside, those would be the spices of education.
Until he became a children's librarian, he didn't realize what the children of his native home were missing. He tells us that he arrived in the Unite States in 1981, and he finally put himself through college, get a graduate degree in Children's Library in 1985. He realized the impact children's books could make on a child's sense of wonder and a plan for the future. Reading gives them hope. It gives them pleasure. It gives them everything that they cannot otherwise get in regular textbooks.
But Gebregeorgis found that there were no children's books in Amharic, the important language of Ethiopia, and none representing the places and characters of Ethiopian traditional stories and beliefs. He tells us when the library assign $1,200 for the purchase of Ethiopian books, he was unable to find any, so he wrote one: Silly Mammo was the first bilingual Amharic-English children's book, and its publication led he to establish the nonprofit organization Ethiopia Reads in 1988.
In 2002, he retured to Ethiopia with 15,000 books donated by the San Francisco Children's Library. He opened the Shola Children's Library in his Ethiopia home. He says he just wanted to come back to Ethiopia and help children have a future, have hope. In addition to the original library, Ethiopia Reads established the Awassa Reading Center and Ethiopia's first Donkey Mobile Library He reads storybooks to children who have no access to television or computers and believes that literacy and education will be to free someone from something his impoverished land. In conclusion, he said "with literate children there is no limit...to how much we can do."
Q:skills for success 4
I read an article' Everyday People Changing the World' but I don't know who is the author. Gebregeorgis from love Kitten to child literacy. He is Ethiopia--At19, and borrowed a novel entitled love Kitten that changed his life forever. He is born in rural Ethiopia, his father was an illiterate cattle merchant who insisted that his son have an education. So Gebregeorgis had seen a few books in school. But having a book of his own sparked a lifelong commitment.
Today, he is establishing libraries and literacy programs to connect Ethiopian children with books. He tells us most Ethiopian children only have ability to use textbooks in the classroom. If books children read outside, those would be the spices of education.
Until he became a children's librarian, he didn't realize what the children of his native home were missing. He tells us that he arrived in the Unite States in 1981, and he finally put himself through college, get a graduate degree in Children's Library in 1985. He realized the impact children's books could make on a child's sense of wonder and a plan for the future. Reading gives them hope. It gives them pleasure. It gives them everything that they cannot otherwise get in regular textbooks.
But Gebregeorgis found that there were no children's books in Amharic, the important language of Ethiopia, and none representing the places and characters of Ethiopian traditional stories and beliefs. He tells us when the library assign $1,200 for the purchase of Ethiopian books, he was unable to find any, so he wrote one: Silly Mammo was the first bilingual Amharic-English children's book, and its publication led he to establish the nonprofit organization Ethiopia Reads in 1988.
In 2002, he retured to Ethiopia with 15,000 books donated by the San Francisco Children's Library. He opened the Shola Children's Library in his Ethiopia home. He says he just wanted to come back to Ethiopia and help children have a future, have hope. In addition to the original library, Ethiopia Reads established the Awassa Reading Center and Ethiopia's first Donkey Mobile Library He reads storybooks to children who have no access to television or computers and believes that literacy and education will be to free someone from something his impoverished land. In conclusion, he said "with literate children there is no limit...to how much we can do."
Q:skills for success 4
South Korea and Japan clash over sea's name in Virginia textbooks by Hana
Debating about
what to call the sea between South Korea and Japan in the Virginia. In the
Virginia committee has approved agenda requiring all school textbooks change
name of sea. In South Korea it is known as the East Sea, however in Japan as
the Sea of Japan. This argument was a lot of competition for getting such a
large portion of the vote. The Japanese government employed a lobby company to
help vote. They also threatened that if this argument was passed, it would
affect economic ties between Virginia and Japan. Unfortunately, there were many
Korean-Americans lived in the Virginia so Korean-Americans lobbied for East Sea
to be included in school textbooks. Virginia agreed with South Korea. The vote
which is legislation about sea name was 81 for and 15 against. The voters
thought that East Sea was reasonable more than Sea of Japan although the United
Stated government used name ‘Sea of Japan’. South Korea expresses vehement
opposition to the Japan’s idea because the name “Sea of Japan” used at a time
when Japan ruled Korea as a colony.
I am serious
about this problem. One year ago, I participated in the event and engaged
diplomatic activities. I was a member of VANK. It is called the Voluntary
Agency Network of Korea, or VANK. Their email campaigns on including the East
Sea on various international maps. Major organizations such as About.com and
the guidebook series Lonely Planet have included the East Sea on their maps as
a result of VANK’s continued efforts. I am so happy because Virginia stands on
the side of Korea. I know that it is hard to decide this problem. When I sent
to e-mail several famous website to ask changing name of the water between
South Korea and Japan, most of websites did not answer or responded. South
Korea and Japan do not just debate about the name of the water but also about
as island in the middle of sea. The island name is the Dokdo. South Korea and
Japan have been fighting over Dokdo for a long time. Why cannot South Korea and
Japan be good friends? I think that economic ties with Japan cannot erase
traumatic memories in South Korea of past suffering at Japanese hands. I also
do not so favorable to Japan government. I hope that this problem will be
solved as soon as possible. Of course, if other countries agree with changing
island name, I will be happier than before.
North and South Koreans hold rare reunions by Hana
Last week, South
Koreans and North Koreans, who were divided from their families because of
Korean War, met each other at the North’s Mount Kumgang resort from 20 to 25 February.
This event which name is the reunions had made in order to become better
relations between North Korea and South Korea since 2000. This year, North
Korea had bulldozed to cancel the reunions because of planning
about US-South Korea drills. The reunions are short events. Families who were
divided from both sides met for a number of hours and ate dinner together. Some
people bought several present such as warm clothing and chocolate snacks etc,
for giving their families. South Korea and North Korea have different system
about choosing people who was separated. South Korea has lottery system to help
to decide who is meeting their families. In contrast, North Korea has unclear
system. Still, about 72,000 peoples want to see their families. Eventually,
most of them are elderly people. Sadly, the reunions are the only legal method
for people who were divided by Korean War to meet each other.
In South Korea,
half of people do not agree the reunions because this event has to need a lot
of taxes. In my family, my parents have been reacting negatively to the
reunions. They have thought that it was the way wasting a lot of money. My parents
also said that the government has to listen with great care to those who have a
contrary view. I want to say that it does not mean that I have to “diss” people
with opposing views. I am agreeing with the reunions. Most of people who were
separated are over 80. They do not have much time. Their days are numbered. They
will take the memory at the reunions with their families for the rest of their
life. However, I do not want to the unification of South and North Korea. Some
people and Internet media said that the reunification of Korea is a task that
must be fulfilled in our generation. Many of our generation do not think so. President
spoke of a ‘unification tax’, which would help pay for the high costs that
reunification with the North would inevitably incur. This means that the government
will increase tax. It is really horrible. If unification of South Korea and
North Korea does suddenly, it could lead to people getting in trouble. For example,
if North Koreans meet South Koreans in anyplace and they talk to each other,
they could suffer culture barriers because two Koreas were separated for a long
time so they have different ideals. Opinion about the reunion and unification
are pros and cons for that. This Arguments for and against have tended to
generate more heat than light. So, the issue must be handled with great
sensitivity and care.
Who, What, Why : Can foods have negative calories? by Hana
The article name
of “Who, What, Why: Can foods have negative calories?” by Kate Dailey. Writer
said that negative calorie foods actually do not exist. Some people who go on a
diet look forward to eating lower food. The negative calorie food is included
nutrition and uses more calories when our body is working. Expert who is a
chair of the department of nutrition sciences at the University insists that
the negative-calorie food not exist although that is possible in theoretically.
Writer use specific reasons and examples to support writer’s opinion. First, many
people think that a celery is negative calorie food because this has
low-calorie, powerful water density and fiber content. Although this just
consume 10 calories per each, our body only intake one-fifth that much. Also, other
fruits and vegetables do not aid to lose weight. Other things are supposed to
work in a different method by making the body work harder. Second, cold water
does not have any research about helping to burn more calories. Finally, a
research says that some drinks which include caffeine, guanine and green tea
can increase about the body work more hard. Unfortunately, in the research with
only 20 participants, so it is not exact. The negative-calorie food is not
existed anywhere. Sadly, the only way of losing weight is eating fewer
calories. I am interested in this article. I am going on a diet to look slim
and pretty because I will take a picture for publishing a school year book. I
am a little bit on the plump side in the South Korea. I always say “What should
I do to lose weight?” Recently, I usually eat salads, eggs and fruits for
breakfast. I am trying to eat lower calories. However, I did not know several information
from this article. If I did not read this article, I would still drinking cold
water after exercising. When I was really wanted to eat drinks, I ate diet
drinks. But I know that it is not help to lose weight. If negative-calorie food
is really exists, everyone do not lead to obesity. My friend who is interested
in development new medicine wants to make medicine which is included all about
essential nutrition at an each day. I do not agree with her because there is no
funny to chew something or eat something.
How Successful People Stay Calm - Karen
How Successful People Stay Calm
Travis Bradberry, who is autor of the best-selling book Emotional Intelligence 2.0, wrote an article about the things we can avoid and develop to increase our skills in stressful situations. A recent research has found how can we manage our stress under pressure in order to keep calm.
The author said that stress can be a good thing when it is not prolonged. He explained that our brain does not have an action when it is in a comfortable situation. Stress in particular situations can be harmless.
Another recent research has found that stress can be good for memory, but only when the situations happens periodically. Whether the stress happens a lot of times it can cause damage for our brains.
Kirby, who is a post- doctoral fellow, said that stressful situation keeps our brains more alert. She explains that since we were primate we have been developing our brain, because we have been in some complex and stressful situations which we had to perseverate on events.
There are ten clues, which were given by top leaders, to follow in order to control our stress in any kind of situation:
1- They appreciate what they have
Time for gratitude is very importante, not merely because it is a good thing to do but it helps to improve your mood, reduces cortisol, fill up with energy and physical well-being.
2- They avoid asking “What If”
Overthinking about a problem is a common thing we all do, we have to stop it as soon as we start. Taking actions and moving forward keep you calm and your stress under control.
3- They stay positive
Thinking positive can result into better things that you can not imagine. This attitute can increase with pratice, when you think negative thoughts as soon as you identify these moment you have to search for a positive thing that happened in your day, or week.
4- They disconnect
While you are out of work, you have to give yourself a break. It is healthy to our brain and body to stay offline a little while. Being outside of the work atmosphere reduce stress because is very difficult to enjoy the free moment with a cellphone ringing, replying emails, etc.
5- They limit their caffeine intake
Coffee can help you stay awake and do things faster, but we have to pay attention on the amount of coffee we are drinking, because when is too much your emotions overrun your behavior.
6- They Sleep
A good night happens when you sleep enough to wake up feeling awake and ready for the day. When you are sleeping your brain recharges and keep the memories of all you have learned during the day.
7- They squash negative self task
If you catch yourself having negative thoughts, write about them. These can help you stop from having bad overthinking and analyze more rational and clear headed about what you were thinking at the moment.
8- They reframe their perspective
Reframe a situation is trying to look for things that your anxiety is not as the same size of the problem. To correct this, you need to make a list with the things that are going wrong or not working out.
9- They breath
In stressful situations stop yourself just one minute and take a deep breath. This will help you to solve things more clearly.
10- They use their support system
Asking for help and recognizing that you can not handle everything at a time is very importante. People who are outside the situation can view things without emotions, so they can help us deal with the problem more rationally.
Big fish on Broadway - Jeongyun Lee
Last year, on my third travel of America, I went to Newyork City during one week. My friend works in Manhattan and I could stay my friend's house. Above all things, I was completely absorbed in Broadway musical. It was my purpose of journey. I saw the 4 Broadway musicals and 1 Off-Broadway musical. The musical "Big Fish" was deeply impressive. This show based on a 2003 movie directed by Tim Burton. He said "Big Fish is about what's real and what's fantastic, what's true and what's not true, what's partially true and how, in the end, it's all true." The story of Big Fish is absolutely ideal.
The key of story is relationship between father-Edward Bloom and son-Will Bloom. Edward Bloom looks like a unusual person and has eccentric nature. When he was young, he was very courageous boy and was able to solve the his hometown's problem like appearing giant man. He was an extraordinary, if enigmatic, young man. Time after time, he talked about his legend to his son. However his son think that he is big talker. His son often bored his story and his father looks like the serial exaggerator due to ridiculous story. Before his die, Will tries to reconcile their strained relationship. The important thing is that this is the story of love. Love of Family, Friends and own life.

The article introduce the origine of this show and director Susan Stroman, who is the five-time Tony Award–winning director and choreographer known for work like The Producers and The Scottsboro Boys, and the actors. The director mentions that I absolutely agree is “That’s something you really can’t do in movies unless you have lots of prosthetic makeup and tricks,” Stroman says. “But in the theater, it’s very natural to take on that theatrical invention. It’s a theatrical device that an audience really invests in; it’s all done physically. Norbert can be quite heroic and barrel-chested when he’s young, and when he’s an older man his whole body takes on that persona. It’s a wonderful acting treat.”
This is the magic on the stage and why I love the performing art and theater art. People have the own big fish. I think, In this show, big fish means hope and possibility of future. After watching this imaginable musical, I sincerely want to find my own big fish and my dream is clear an outline. http://www.timeout.com/chicago/theater/director-susan-stroman-on-the-new-musical-big-fish
Behind the scenes of Musical Lion King - Jeongyun Lee
In childhood, we often watched Disney movie, my favorite musical movie was Lion King. And this show always my motivation of my goal, being Musical director. The article that I choose talks about this famous popular musical "Lion King". This show based on the Walt Disney animation movie on 1994. This musical gain a complete success in the United Kingdom and the United States as well, even now, we can watch this show in Broadway and West End whenever we want.
The character and story enormously develped when they are getting stage effects. Since they wear masks, costumes and puppets. The make-up is magical, the lights are fancy and the songs are magnificient.

Julie Taymor, director and co-designer of this show, decided to use puppet and big mask to give vivid effect. Also she personally designed and made masks to present the inspirations directly.
The article mentions “When Julie Taymor was designing the show, nothing was left as random. Each costume has something to say about the character. Everything conveys a message to the audience – a lot of it is subliminal but it all helps to inform the audiences about the choices a character makes.”
In the back stage, numerous specialists stand by their parts, because actors always need someone's hand. They have not enough time between the acts.The article explains that “A total of 26 different animals are represented in the show and there are 700 different costume pieces bringing those animals to life as well as puppets,” points our Crocker as we examine the costumes in the bunker – a space which has been created for quick changes between the scenes when there’s no time to return to the dressing rooms.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Drought - serious situation in California - Tony
Due to th lack of rain in California "Drought-Relief Bill" has been filed. An effort is being made to pass a bill that could increase water flow from Norttern California to the south.
President Obama stated that the United States must re-think the way it uses water as he announced new federal aid to California.
Obama feels there is a real connection with California trouble and climate changes as he toured a farm that will go unsown this year due to the lack of rain. California faces the worse drought in more than 100 years. President Obama says we have to prepare now for this drought disaster.
The president is calling on federal facilities in California to limit water consumption immediately. He said we have to speed up environmental reviews of water projects, a many other things.
The white house has been closely watching the California drought which follows a year of the lowest rainfall on record.
Governor Jerry Brown, along with top Democrats released a $ 687.4 million dollar emergency relief proposal to help residents who are struggling with record dry conditions as well as to update the states water infrastructure. The bill also calls for food and housing assistance for farm families who are struggling as well as money for emergency drinking - water supplies. He is suggesting projects to capture and recycle water, increase water conservation and efficiency.
Officials are concerned over the lack of rainfall and the spike in wildfires. Governor Brown declared a state of emergency last month and asked state agencies to out back on their water usage. The governor has requested that residents throughout California volunntarily by 20 percent. the democrats have proposed bonds for $549 million to help solve the situation to save water and to help californians hardest hit by the drought. The water District of Southern California, said the ne legislations plan to speed up money for projects could be a key factor as the drought continues.
Things we can to help the drought situation in California is to follow the advice of governor by cutting back on our water usager by at least 20 percent. The following are ways families and indivieuals can help the drought situation, First of all, if you own your own house you can start by planting drought resistent plants. We can be more water conscious when washing the dishes, taking a shower ans using bathroom facilities. We can also be aware by not letting the farucets run on outdoor sprinklers run. If everybody does the above stuff. It will help tremendously with saving water.
President Obama stated that the United States must re-think the way it uses water as he announced new federal aid to California.
Obama feels there is a real connection with California trouble and climate changes as he toured a farm that will go unsown this year due to the lack of rain. California faces the worse drought in more than 100 years. President Obama says we have to prepare now for this drought disaster.
The president is calling on federal facilities in California to limit water consumption immediately. He said we have to speed up environmental reviews of water projects, a many other things.
The white house has been closely watching the California drought which follows a year of the lowest rainfall on record.
Governor Jerry Brown, along with top Democrats released a $ 687.4 million dollar emergency relief proposal to help residents who are struggling with record dry conditions as well as to update the states water infrastructure. The bill also calls for food and housing assistance for farm families who are struggling as well as money for emergency drinking - water supplies. He is suggesting projects to capture and recycle water, increase water conservation and efficiency.
Officials are concerned over the lack of rainfall and the spike in wildfires. Governor Brown declared a state of emergency last month and asked state agencies to out back on their water usage. The governor has requested that residents throughout California volunntarily by 20 percent. the democrats have proposed bonds for $549 million to help solve the situation to save water and to help californians hardest hit by the drought. The water District of Southern California, said the ne legislations plan to speed up money for projects could be a key factor as the drought continues.
Things we can to help the drought situation in California is to follow the advice of governor by cutting back on our water usager by at least 20 percent. The following are ways families and indivieuals can help the drought situation, First of all, if you own your own house you can start by planting drought resistent plants. We can be more water conscious when washing the dishes, taking a shower ans using bathroom facilities. We can also be aware by not letting the farucets run on outdoor sprinklers run. If everybody does the above stuff. It will help tremendously with saving water.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Man's Body Found in Landing-Gear Wheel Well of Plane at Dulles Airport .. FAISAL
I saw in the news man's body found in lending-gear wheel in plan at Dulles Airport Saturday afternoon at 03:40pm. It is like unusual happen, and I was like i don't know how what did they do with this problem.
As i read there were many of officials helped Airport police in this station, but the location was not immediately known. The Fairfax County, Virginia, medical examiner's office will handle the case, according to the airports authority, which said that "an active investigation is ongoing."
Moreover, the discovery did not office any operations on runways or in terminals at Dulles, which is one of the nation's busiest airports and is located about 25 miles west of Washington, D.C.
I was shocked how did he got there and what happened inside it, but i think he was not immediately die because the trip took around 1 to 3 hours. when the airplane arrived, the airport's staff was shacking the plane as usual to prepare for the next trip. Suddenly they found the corpse of the man who was inside the landing-gear. They transfer him to the medical part, and they case it.
To be onset this is my first time I heard about like this happened in the world.
The staff are helpful and they knew what to do very well, but i think they have never done something like this, so the have an experience and knowledge if anything happen how can they face it.
It is unusual incident and they have to bay attention for everything, and they have to take it as advise. I wish i could not hear anything like that, so they should take this incident as advise forever.
As i read there were many of officials helped Airport police in this station, but the location was not immediately known. The Fairfax County, Virginia, medical examiner's office will handle the case, according to the airports authority, which said that "an active investigation is ongoing."
Moreover, the discovery did not office any operations on runways or in terminals at Dulles, which is one of the nation's busiest airports and is located about 25 miles west of Washington, D.C.
I was shocked how did he got there and what happened inside it, but i think he was not immediately die because the trip took around 1 to 3 hours. when the airplane arrived, the airport's staff was shacking the plane as usual to prepare for the next trip. Suddenly they found the corpse of the man who was inside the landing-gear. They transfer him to the medical part, and they case it.
To be onset this is my first time I heard about like this happened in the world.
The staff are helpful and they knew what to do very well, but i think they have never done something like this, so the have an experience and knowledge if anything happen how can they face it.
It is unusual incident and they have to bay attention for everything, and they have to take it as advise. I wish i could not hear anything like that, so they should take this incident as advise forever.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
So Much Dead Space
By Irene
Today I read an article"So Much Dead Space" by Paco Underhill. He is a nerdy, American researcher. He tells us what he has done for the past twenty-five years is research shopping behavior: he simply walk around malls and shopping streets and figure out what motivates people to buy things. What makes someone stop and look at a store window? What makes a woman go into a store? What makes a man buy something? I want found out that he gives several reasons. As he strolls around, he look closely at store windows. since they are an essential part of the shopping experience. When he look out his office window in New York City, he see many of those windows. They remain the same today as they were some 120 years age. He tells us that a century ago people took the time to stop and look into store windows. He imagines them walking along slowly, stopping at a tall window, and peering through the glass the see the latest fashions and newest products. Today, strolling, window-shopping walking are an obsolete ideas. Everyone seems to be in a hurry. They walk a lot faster now than they did in the old days. Throughout modern times, different factors have changed the way pedestrians walk in busy urban areas. One of the most significant of these factors is traffic lights. He tells that relationship between individuals and group are very important. When some people will speed up to get out of the crowd, and then the entire group will begin to walk more quickly. This behavior affects how people view the store windows that they pass by. The way our eyes and brain handle information has become more complicate. Today, our ability to process images is faster. Store windows today must be quick reads. They must be simple enough so that the products can be clearly identified, and they must be creative enough to catch the busy pedestrian's eye. In total, this article tell us about how make windows come alive: let's liberate our design therms. stop filling windows with products. Tell story. Make us laugh. Makes us think.Q:skills for success4
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Ice Storm Wallops Southeast, Stranding Drivers, Cutting Power .. FAISAL
The winter season in United States is always cold, but in some states snowing as Georgia, Florida, and Pennsylvania their wether is ice snow and they have the biggest storm during the winter season.
That was a massage in Georgia, many people have heard about the wether is going to be more cold than it was since while. It's going to be storm swept through Wednesday, bringing some of the Southeast's most populous cities to a standstill. There was a warning came as freezing rein brought heavy iceaccumulations from Atlanta to Charlotte.
Across a large swath of the South, thousands of flights were canceled, also hundreds of thousands of people were without power. Ice the biggest enemy,Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency. School districts canceled classes and government offices were shuttered in an attempt to avoid a repeat of the traffic paralysis caused by a storm in last month of the snow and storm.
They thought the ice going to be accumulate up to three-quarters of an inch in Atlanta, also the other thought were up to 10 inches of snow and sleet in Raleigh and Charlotte, making travel treacherous.
Also in the storm's path were Virginia and Washington, with much of the Northeast to follow.All federal offices in the nation's capital were ordered closed, and thousands of employees were being told to stay home, according to the Office of Personnel Management.
In other hand, the worming was about the people most stay at home because the major thoroughfares of the city of Atlanta were reportedly devoid of traffic. There a different scene was playing out to the northeast where the storm appeared to take people by surprise despite days of warnings. North Carolina's Department of Public Safety said in posts on Twitter. "Quickly deteriorating road conditions, numerous car accidents in Durham,Franklin,Johnston, and Wake counties.
The advertisements asking the people about what they have seen and what advices should the people take to be in a good satiation. Some people saw many other people in a bad satiations as cars piled up and left on the side of the road, and wrecks," said Christina Martinson, who was stuck in the snow-bound traffic with her husband and son for hours in Durham. And he said'' It's really, really bad, and it got so bad so quickly that people just weren't ready. Even though we were warned, it just happened more quickly than you would think possible. For some was not enough time.Michael Cross white, 44, planned on leaving work in Raleigh, in Wake County, by mid afternoon, well ahead of when forecasters initially predicted a snow and ice storm to hit the area,but by noon, the snow and icy rain was coming down.
The storm this year not easy or like any year, this storm is too hard and we have to be worry for everybody and every things around us. I hope that everybody takes the advice as they heard in a correct way, also I with to them the best during this hard satiation in their life.
That was a massage in Georgia, many people have heard about the wether is going to be more cold than it was since while. It's going to be storm swept through Wednesday, bringing some of the Southeast's most populous cities to a standstill. There was a warning came as freezing rein brought heavy iceaccumulations from Atlanta to Charlotte.
Across a large swath of the South, thousands of flights were canceled, also hundreds of thousands of people were without power. Ice the biggest enemy,Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency. School districts canceled classes and government offices were shuttered in an attempt to avoid a repeat of the traffic paralysis caused by a storm in last month of the snow and storm.
They thought the ice going to be accumulate up to three-quarters of an inch in Atlanta, also the other thought were up to 10 inches of snow and sleet in Raleigh and Charlotte, making travel treacherous.
Also in the storm's path were Virginia and Washington, with much of the Northeast to follow.All federal offices in the nation's capital were ordered closed, and thousands of employees were being told to stay home, according to the Office of Personnel Management.
In other hand, the worming was about the people most stay at home because the major thoroughfares of the city of Atlanta were reportedly devoid of traffic. There a different scene was playing out to the northeast where the storm appeared to take people by surprise despite days of warnings. North Carolina's Department of Public Safety said in posts on Twitter. "Quickly deteriorating road conditions, numerous car accidents in Durham,Franklin,Johnston, and Wake counties.
The advertisements asking the people about what they have seen and what advices should the people take to be in a good satiation. Some people saw many other people in a bad satiations as cars piled up and left on the side of the road, and wrecks," said Christina Martinson, who was stuck in the snow-bound traffic with her husband and son for hours in Durham. And he said'' It's really, really bad, and it got so bad so quickly that people just weren't ready. Even though we were warned, it just happened more quickly than you would think possible. For some was not enough time.Michael Cross white, 44, planned on leaving work in Raleigh, in Wake County, by mid afternoon, well ahead of when forecasters initially predicted a snow and ice storm to hit the area,but by noon, the snow and icy rain was coming down.
The storm this year not easy or like any year, this storm is too hard and we have to be worry for everybody and every things around us. I hope that everybody takes the advice as they heard in a correct way, also I with to them the best during this hard satiation in their life.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Valentine's Day - Tony
Valentine's Day is observed by many people in many countries. It represents a feast day celebrating in honor of Saint Valentine. The date february 14 was fixed by the Catholic Orthodoy Church.
St. Valentine's Day started by celebrating one of the early Christian Saints. Valentine's Day was first associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages. It then become a day when lovers expressed their love for each other by sending cards to each other,(valentines). These included the heart shaped cards, which we continue to use today. They also give candies, chocolates, and flowers to each other to show their love for each other common gifts are lingerie, champagne, sparking wine, or jewelry. Sometimes people spend Valentine's Day on a weekend get away. There are many ways, large or small of expressing ones love to another.
Valentine's Day is not a public holiday. Schools and stores are open as well as all government office. Valentine's Day is celebrated in restaurants as many people enjoy taking their spouse or partner out to dinner. valentine's Day is also very popular for weddings. It is a very romantic holiday.
The children America enjoy celebrating Valentine's Day. They love to give Valentine to their classmates. Often, the children make their own heart-shaped valentines. Sometimes children take candies to give to their teacher to show their appreciation to the teacher.
Valentine's Day is celebrated with much excitement throughout Thailand. Valentine's Day begins in Thailand with a big celebration among the young stary eyed lover. They begin celebrating Valentine's Day by planning a beautiful romantic dinner with their partner. The guys often present beautiful flower bouquets, chocolates and candies to the one they love.
Celebrating Valentine's Day in Thailand is similar to the United State. It is not only the young people but for adults as well gift exchanging on Valentine's Day is more like a tradition in Thailand.
My opinion about Valentine's Day is people all over the world show their love for each other by giving gifts, such as chocolates , cards, perfume, jewelry or champagne. The Valentine's gifts can be for families, friends or lovers. It is a nice holiday to express your love to one another.
St. Valentine's Day started by celebrating one of the early Christian Saints. Valentine's Day was first associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages. It then become a day when lovers expressed their love for each other by sending cards to each other,(valentines). These included the heart shaped cards, which we continue to use today. They also give candies, chocolates, and flowers to each other to show their love for each other common gifts are lingerie, champagne, sparking wine, or jewelry. Sometimes people spend Valentine's Day on a weekend get away. There are many ways, large or small of expressing ones love to another.
Valentine's Day is not a public holiday. Schools and stores are open as well as all government office. Valentine's Day is celebrated in restaurants as many people enjoy taking their spouse or partner out to dinner. valentine's Day is also very popular for weddings. It is a very romantic holiday.
The children America enjoy celebrating Valentine's Day. They love to give Valentine to their classmates. Often, the children make their own heart-shaped valentines. Sometimes children take candies to give to their teacher to show their appreciation to the teacher.
Valentine's Day is celebrated with much excitement throughout Thailand. Valentine's Day begins in Thailand with a big celebration among the young stary eyed lover. They begin celebrating Valentine's Day by planning a beautiful romantic dinner with their partner. The guys often present beautiful flower bouquets, chocolates and candies to the one they love.
Celebrating Valentine's Day in Thailand is similar to the United State. It is not only the young people but for adults as well gift exchanging on Valentine's Day is more like a tradition in Thailand.
My opinion about Valentine's Day is people all over the world show their love for each other by giving gifts, such as chocolates , cards, perfume, jewelry or champagne. The Valentine's gifts can be for families, friends or lovers. It is a nice holiday to express your love to one another.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Olympic 500m speed skating champion Lee Sang-Hwa want one more gold medal in Sochi Olympic.
by jeongyun
On February 7, Sochi Winter Olympic Games have started!
When i was elementary school, have a one friend who had to go to ice-rink immediately after finishing our school. She was my best friend in my school life, so when she went somewhere in a hurry, I always felt sad. In our elementary school, student had extracurricular activities during 3 years(4-6th grades), it was speed skating program. During 2 months, we went to ice-rink with all of our teachers and friends. Students had a great time without speed skating team members. My friend, her name is Lee Sang-Hwa, was the little player of this team. 15 years later, this young girl became a Speed Skating Olympic champion.
The first korean female gold medalist became a public figure in korea after Vancouver Olympic. Her international debut at the age of 14, when she was middle school student, I heard from her, she entered an athete's village. After being a member of the speed skating national team, she had the opportunity of qualificating of Winter Olympic. I remember that she failed in obtaining medal.
In 2010, I met her in Korea, we could not meet about 2 years due to my life in Paris and her busy schedule. We had a great time and talked about vary things in life. We were still good friend and gave some advices with each other. Before comming United States, she encouraged me a lot.
In November and December of last year, she changed the world record, two times. The Korea media and people were extremely supprised at her record and upward trend. Now, she had already achieved her first goal. Who is going to the second goal of her life. I am believe that she will learn more important things and do her's best in her last Olympic game.
Her game will start on 11 February at 4.45pm.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Karen - Woody Allen vs. Dylan Farrow: This spectacle is on you, Nick Kristof
Dylan Farrow wrote a open letter in the New York Times that alleged sexual abused by Woody Allen in 1993. The letter revealed that Woody Allen sexually molested Dylan Farrow when her parents were engaged in a high-profile custody battle.
The case has brought the discussion of what we must do when they've been wronged and the judgements we make about his life, art and the public scandal.
Maureen Orth, who is a writer from Vanity Fair magazine, describes a story of a chaotic household whose had a case of sexual abuse. The scandal made people re-read those stories because Woody Allen married the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow, who is the mother of his children.
Allen has not replied but only said that the letter was "untrue and disgraceful". According to Margaret Sullivan, who is a New York Times public editor, Allen wants to make a rebuttal in the same forum that Farrow was allowed to use. He has always denied the charges.
On a report that Allen was interviewed, he said "What was the scandal? I feel in love with this girl, married her". These was about Allen getting marriage to Mia Farrow daughter.
Dahila Lithwick, who is a State legal analyst did not allow the "Court of Public Opinion" render a judgment in this impossible debate. She wrote “In the Court of Public Opinion there are no rules of evidence, no burdens of proof, no cross-examinations, and no standards of admissibility,”.
There are no questions and no answers, we can not judge. Even their family know the truth of the story.
I have read some news about this topic and people make terrible comments about Allen, which he should died in jail. Tabloids asked if America is ready to forgive Woody Allen, but he did not say he was sorry or assume that, and even are proofs of sexual abuse.
All of this can be understood by the fact that Mia got upset because Allen got married with her daughter. There are a lot of resentful things in this case. We can believe in what we want but we will never know the truth.
The case has brought the discussion of what we must do when they've been wronged and the judgements we make about his life, art and the public scandal.
Maureen Orth, who is a writer from Vanity Fair magazine, describes a story of a chaotic household whose had a case of sexual abuse. The scandal made people re-read those stories because Woody Allen married the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow, who is the mother of his children.
Allen has not replied but only said that the letter was "untrue and disgraceful". According to Margaret Sullivan, who is a New York Times public editor, Allen wants to make a rebuttal in the same forum that Farrow was allowed to use. He has always denied the charges.
On a report that Allen was interviewed, he said "What was the scandal? I feel in love with this girl, married her". These was about Allen getting marriage to Mia Farrow daughter.
Dahila Lithwick, who is a State legal analyst did not allow the "Court of Public Opinion" render a judgment in this impossible debate. She wrote “In the Court of Public Opinion there are no rules of evidence, no burdens of proof, no cross-examinations, and no standards of admissibility,”.
There are no questions and no answers, we can not judge. Even their family know the truth of the story.
I have read some news about this topic and people make terrible comments about Allen, which he should died in jail. Tabloids asked if America is ready to forgive Woody Allen, but he did not say he was sorry or assume that, and even are proofs of sexual abuse.
All of this can be understood by the fact that Mia got upset because Allen got married with her daughter. There are a lot of resentful things in this case. We can believe in what we want but we will never know the truth.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Military family suicides may be tracked - Tony
Suicide amongst military men and their families is devastating. When our men go to war, it is very difficult for them to kill people and see people killed day after day. To make matters worse, it is even more devastating to see women and children killed from the bombings. They live with this day after day seeing so many lives being taken, including their buddies.
After the men and women come home they have a big adjustment to make with their families. Many of the men and women re-live their experiences, that is, they can never forget the many lives that were taken
It is difficult for the families, especially if the person is badly injured. The wife then must be the caregiver for her husband as well as taking care of the children. Off times this leads to suicide, sometimes the husband feels he is too much of a burden to his family, and he ends his life.
Suicide is high amongst men and women who served in the armed forces. Our government needs to do more to help these families.
I think when our men and women come home form the war, they should be seen a doctor and examined thoroughly. If necessary they should be evaluated by a physchiatrist, and given whatever medical treatment is necessary.
Some men and women come back with limbs and this is not only hard on them but on their families. Also, some men come back and they find out that their wives cheated on tem and they have no place to go. They are left homeless, have no place to go and no one to help them, they feel they have nothing to live for, so they end up killing themselves and sometimes their families.
I think we need organization to help these men and women to find jobs, so they can take care of themselves and their families. By them being able to work would make them feel they were contributing to society, for the men and women who are disabled, I think it would be a good idea to have an organization set up where they could adopt a dog or cat. To have a pet to love, makes one never feel unloved.
After the men and women come home they have a big adjustment to make with their families. Many of the men and women re-live their experiences, that is, they can never forget the many lives that were taken
It is difficult for the families, especially if the person is badly injured. The wife then must be the caregiver for her husband as well as taking care of the children. Off times this leads to suicide, sometimes the husband feels he is too much of a burden to his family, and he ends his life.
Suicide is high amongst men and women who served in the armed forces. Our government needs to do more to help these families.
I think when our men and women come home form the war, they should be seen a doctor and examined thoroughly. If necessary they should be evaluated by a physchiatrist, and given whatever medical treatment is necessary.
Some men and women come back with limbs and this is not only hard on them but on their families. Also, some men come back and they find out that their wives cheated on tem and they have no place to go. They are left homeless, have no place to go and no one to help them, they feel they have nothing to live for, so they end up killing themselves and sometimes their families.
I think we need organization to help these men and women to find jobs, so they can take care of themselves and their families. By them being able to work would make them feel they were contributing to society, for the men and women who are disabled, I think it would be a good idea to have an organization set up where they could adopt a dog or cat. To have a pet to love, makes one never feel unloved.
Frozen - Hana
is not fair, two princesses ganging up on one commoner. But Anna and Elsa who
is main character of The Frozen have caught Katniss who is main actor of The
Hunger Games. Frozen, which based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”,
passed The Hunger Games this weekend. The Frozen will not come close to Iron
Man 3. Pixar stole animation thunder during 15 years. Disney was floundered
between 2- D and 3-D. They had slumped for a decade. And now Frozen, the First
Disney animated feature with 2 princesses, has become moneymaker, passing The
Lion King. Also, the movie won five big prizes at Annie Award. Last week Frozen
entered to the top of the Billboard chart for three weeks. And in a year or
two, the shoe will be headed to Broadway. Frozen have proved the power of
movies featured on strong young girl.
week I participated in this phenomenon. When I thought that I had to practice
listening English, I plucked a brilliant idea out of the air. Before one year, I
consulted with professor who taught class of biochemistry about how to improve
English skill. “If you want to develop your foreign language, I recommend to
you watching Disney animation,” said the professor at my University. I said to
my friend Cindy. “How about going to the theater to watch a movie?” She agreed
with me then, my went to the University Theater for watching movie. My friend
said “I don’t believe it. friend and I There are so many people in this place!”
eventually, I met many other friends in the University Theater. They wanted to
see the movie which was Frozen. The popularity of Frozen and Frozen movie music
in South Korea is a big part of new trend. YouTube videos spoofs abound in SNS
such as Facebook and Twitter. Different types of videos I can watch at the
internet. Someone do a funny imitation of Frozen scene. The singer sings a new
arrangement of the original Frozen song. I think the movie is a box office
success not only U.S but also overseas country.
"Protest symbol or plush toy? IKEA wolf makes brief Hong Kong comeback"_harim
IKEA’s wolf doll, which played a cameo in local politics last
year, quickly sold out upon its return to the city. Residents snapped up the
stuffed toy in December after one was hurled by a protestor at C.Y. Leung,
Kong’s leader, who is nicknamed “wolf” for his political cunning.
It was modeled after the antagonist of the Little Red Riding
hood fairy tale. The toys have become a popular symbol of protest against the
chief executive, who is criticized in the city as having too close ties to Beijing,
and for putting off his responsibilities to secure universal suffrage for the
city’s voter by 2017. In addition, there is also an element of bawdy humor
associated with the toy, whose former Chinese name is a near-homonym of a crude
sexual term in Cantonese.
The toy’s popularity remains undiminished, and some of the
50,000 followers of the Lufsing Facebook group page expressed their
disappointment with IKEA. However, despite the immediate demand for the toy,
the resell market hasn’t caught fire with dolls selling on the Hong Kong portal
of eBay. IEKA said that Lufing would next be in stock around the end of March.
It seems like a cute doll for young children, but this wolf
doll (Lufing) has the meaning of tongue-in-cheek symbol of protest against
Chief Executive last year. I am surprised that just a little toy can be a
symbol of political aspiration in Hong Kong such as, “the statue of liberty” in
I think it can be friendly for people so, attract concerns of
people about politics of Hong Kong.
I hope that this doll will be effective “medium” between
politics and people without abusing. For example, do not buy this doll due to
only for following other people, for following it is just “trend”.
Earth is
the place for every people to learn how to live, I don't know who created this
world, why this world is very wide and how can we born with, it still make
a lot of questions in my mind about world until now, but the one thing
that I known it was a beautiful thing I've ever seen. World made me
learned a lots about life because world gave this place for us to born, to
known family, society, growing up and existence of life. Those things are most
improtant to use our life cause base of life is no one can not live alone
without someone that’s why the earth builds us to be with each other and take
care each other like a part of life.
In addition, The
main thing that make earth beautiful and be liveable is nature, if this earth
without nature it without us also, because nature is the main element to make
an oxygen to breath for every life in the world. Moreover, earth is made many
things wonderful included animals, oceans, mountain and others. Those things
are circle of life because everything is always compensate each other and be
part of every life.
Nowadays, the
beauty of earth is decreasing because of humans have more need and they
destroyed 60 percents of nature in the world it is a reason to make the world more
unliveable. We should find out the solutions and make it better by plant trees,
reduce the pollution in the air by cars and protect the natural resources.
Everyone must help this world to be livable again, this is the way to save the
earth before the beauty of the earth is gone. Because this is our home and I
believe that everyone does not want to lose this amazing world and let the next
generations to be uncomfortable to live.
Monday, February 3, 2014
How to be happy though married--Irene
by Irene
Most people love books, and each people like different books. I love the book name which is How To Be Happy Though Married. I like read it because it has several reasons: the pleasures of marriage, the pains of marriage, hints for husbands and hints for wives.
First of all, the pleasures of marriage. Woman is better than wisdom, and nothing is better than a good woman. Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor, which is one very strong argument in favour of matrimony. Romantic loves is a species of drunkenness, even dullards are aware of this, they are aware of when they are not in love. There is nothing more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife. Woman's business to get married as soon as possible and a man's to keep unmarried as long as he can. Woman and man is different. There has an addition to happiness a good wife makes. Such a one is the best companion in prosperity, and in adversity the surest friend; the greatest assistance in business, the only lawful and comfortable means by which she can have issue, and the great remedy against incontinence. Matrimony is respectable.
Second, the pains of marriage. Marriage is the tomb of love. By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you will become happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. Bigamy is having one wife too many, and monogamy is just one wife. Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. The most dangerous of infernal machines. Husband and wife should no more fight. I think marriage is one long conversation, chequered by disputes. Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. In fact, they are both disappointed. Finally, there are three things that drive a good man from home: a roofless house, a smoky chimney, and a quarrelsome woman.
Finally, hints for husbands and wives. Don't get a bad husband; who compares wife unfavourably with mother or other wives, who publicly praises bachelor days and regrets having married, who belches without apology or blow nose at table, and who teases wife fatness, slowness, etc. Also don't get a bad wife; who eats onions, radishes or garlic before a date or going to bed. Who wears pajamas while cooking. Who fails to wash top of milk bottle before opening it. Who puts her cold feet on husband at night to warm them.
In conclusion, I wish I have a happy marriage.
Most people love books, and each people like different books. I love the book name which is How To Be Happy Though Married. I like read it because it has several reasons: the pleasures of marriage, the pains of marriage, hints for husbands and hints for wives.
First of all, the pleasures of marriage. Woman is better than wisdom, and nothing is better than a good woman. Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor, which is one very strong argument in favour of matrimony. Romantic loves is a species of drunkenness, even dullards are aware of this, they are aware of when they are not in love. There is nothing more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife. Woman's business to get married as soon as possible and a man's to keep unmarried as long as he can. Woman and man is different. There has an addition to happiness a good wife makes. Such a one is the best companion in prosperity, and in adversity the surest friend; the greatest assistance in business, the only lawful and comfortable means by which she can have issue, and the great remedy against incontinence. Matrimony is respectable.
Second, the pains of marriage. Marriage is the tomb of love. By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you will become happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. Bigamy is having one wife too many, and monogamy is just one wife. Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. The most dangerous of infernal machines. Husband and wife should no more fight. I think marriage is one long conversation, chequered by disputes. Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. In fact, they are both disappointed. Finally, there are three things that drive a good man from home: a roofless house, a smoky chimney, and a quarrelsome woman.
Finally, hints for husbands and wives. Don't get a bad husband; who compares wife unfavourably with mother or other wives, who publicly praises bachelor days and regrets having married, who belches without apology or blow nose at table, and who teases wife fatness, slowness, etc. Also don't get a bad wife; who eats onions, radishes or garlic before a date or going to bed. Who wears pajamas while cooking. Who fails to wash top of milk bottle before opening it. Who puts her cold feet on husband at night to warm them.
In conclusion, I wish I have a happy marriage.
FAST FOOD ... by Kevin
Almost the people in the world like to eat fast food which are a bad habit to make them life more easily. Some of the people don't know the fact of the fast food, there is a lot of effect come from the fast food. Today we see a lot of people who complain from the fast food because it makes them more obesity.
Today almost the people like to eat from the restaurant, and some of them like to make them food by themselves, because the fast food easier to make. For example, the burgers and fresh fraise that you can make it by the easy way as I see. In my opinion almost the people in the world don't know about the effect of the fast food, they know it's unhealthy only, but the important thing they couldn't believe it comes without preservatives which make the food more safety, and some of it has a large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals and antibiotics which make them complain about obesity. If they are trying to stop to eat the fast food they'll feel that in themselves. The biggest problem as I see in the fast food, it has a lot of cholesterol and some of it has more much calories. In addition, couple of the fast food restaurants made the whole compos since they started, to be more faster.
The people have to take care of themselves because if they still to eat the fast food, they will complain in the future about them bodies as soon because it's unhealthy and some of them will find disease from the obesity, because the obesity almost be comes from the fast food. The big problem today almost the people prefer the fast food because it is more cheap and doesn't take a long time.
In conclusion, the fast food is unhealthy because it comes without preservatives and it has a lot of calories which is making almost the people complain about the obesity.
Today almost the people like to eat from the restaurant, and some of them like to make them food by themselves, because the fast food easier to make. For example, the burgers and fresh fraise that you can make it by the easy way as I see. In my opinion almost the people in the world don't know about the effect of the fast food, they know it's unhealthy only, but the important thing they couldn't believe it comes without preservatives which make the food more safety, and some of it has a large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals and antibiotics which make them complain about obesity. If they are trying to stop to eat the fast food they'll feel that in themselves. The biggest problem as I see in the fast food, it has a lot of cholesterol and some of it has more much calories. In addition, couple of the fast food restaurants made the whole compos since they started, to be more faster.
The people have to take care of themselves because if they still to eat the fast food, they will complain in the future about them bodies as soon because it's unhealthy and some of them will find disease from the obesity, because the obesity almost be comes from the fast food. The big problem today almost the people prefer the fast food because it is more cheap and doesn't take a long time.
In conclusion, the fast food is unhealthy because it comes without preservatives and it has a lot of calories which is making almost the people complain about the obesity.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Oprah Winfrey, A World Famous Woman, passed her 60 years.
By Jeongyun Lee
Oprah Winfrey, an international celebrity, is an American.
She has several nick-names which are actress, producer and talk show host. The Oprah Winfrey Show is very famous show in the world, which has power of influence in media market. She is also an important figure. The news what I read is Oprah on Turning 60, celebrating her birthday also, in some notions of this article, we can find attitude of Oprah's life.
One day, people have the opportunity know her childhood story and her hard life by reading her autobiography, watching Oprah Show, and searching her homepage and news. She seems like a symbol of a successful woman. Who encourage people to live think positively through talking about her experiences. When I was in Korea, I had the chance to watch the documentary on Oprah's belief and life story. A person, who I watched in documentary, has a strong convictions in own opinions, a plenty of confidences. In addition, she is a good listener. It is very important condition for good leader. Nowadays, she became a rich person and has her broadcasting company as well. We cannot imagine her huge incomes, but we are able to know that some part of her properties reverted to society and weak people in the world.
In the article, her mentions are "I'm turning 60. I'm alive. Healthy. Strong."
" And now, at 60, I simply want to share what I've been given. I want to continue to encourage as many people as I can to open their hearts to life, because if I know anything for sure, it's that opening my own heart is what has brought me my greatest success and joy. ".
I have strong desire for my future profession and my dream. I aspire to emulate the her positive and nice attitude. She is definitely one of my role model.
Live Outside Of Your Country ... FAISAL
there are many people don't like to go out of their hometown, but the other said it easy to be out of my hometown. I think that is a hard things to do because you'll be alone no one can take care of you. And you'll find the good way and wrong we.
As i see it is hard to go out of your hometown because you're going to be alone without your parent. You'll find a good person and a bad person, also you're going to see the both ways the good and wrong. you're going to choose the way you like. It is up to you and what you like to be in this life.
I came to US for first time, so this is my first time to be without my parent. I thought that's well be easy, and I'm doing to have fun and to see the other world, but that was a wrong thought. I have seen many different things and different life, so I have more expires than i was. Like I have safe some money for worst days, and taking precautions with every things around you and what you're doing. AS it happened to me. when i was with home stay she is old woman, and I was so happy with her i felt comfort with her and her home, and i have been with her around 3 months.Suddenly, when the month going to be finish, she said you'll be double what you buy to be in this home. I was shocked and asking myself ''why she does this'' and i asked her , but she said this is month for business if you want to continuo buy more. I said forgive me i can't buy more and I really appreciated. When I was holding my luggage and waiting my friend to pick me up, she said I will drive you to your friend's home. While she was driving me to my friend's home, she said that you are a good person and next month if no one come to live in my home, I'll talk to you to come again. We arrived to my friend's home, and i was holding the deposit sheet, I said what about the deposit when will you give me my money. she said give me this sheet and I'll make a copy of it, and I'll send the money to you soon
In 2 weeks litter, I was in the bad money situation, so I sent her a massage which said I need my money as soon as you can please, and she return to me a massage that said I still clean your room. After a while, I went to her home, and We were friendly. suddenly, she said that i don't have anything for you, so get out of my home. I was shocked from her, and i went out of her home in a bad mood. I felt shame of myself, I trust the people who don't deserve it.
that's why i think living outside of your country hard, and no one can touch your heart feeling or what you are thinking about. But it is a good attempt. I like this attempt because I learned very well from this experience.
Philip Seymour Hoffman's death - Tony
Today I read the news and found that Philip Seymour Hoffman has died. Philip Seymour Hoffman was born July 23, 1967 and died Feburary 2, 2014. He was found dead in his New York apartment. His death is being investigated as a possible drug overdose, and autopsy is being performed by The New York City medical examiner's office, after receiving a 911 call on Sunday, the police found Mr. Hoffman unconscious and not responding to them. He was found with a needle in his arm and there was several bags of heroin.
He was a stage and screen actor, and Oscar-winning portrayal of writer Truman Capote in "Capote". When he was interviewed in 2006 by CBS's "60 minutes" he was asked whether he abused drugs or alcohol, he replied "Yes, all that stuff,anything I could get my hands on. I liked it all."
I have seen his movies, and I think he was an actor with a lot of talent. I don't understand why any great actors would do drugs and take their life. Why did Philip Seymour Hoffman take his life? Weren't his accomplisments enough to make him happy? Where were his family and friends? Why did he turn to drugs? People everywhere keep asking themselves the same question. When does one have enough money, when are ones accomplishment enough? Why do people end up taking their life, where they have so much. What more could he have done to be happy? How could anyone have helped him? , so he wouldn't have ended his life. Philip Seymour Hoffman will be missed by his family and friends through out the world.
In my opinion, he has a family, acting career , money and yet he turned to drugs. He should have gotten help before was too late. If I were him, I wouldn't never have taken my life. I would have been happy with my wife and children, my acting career and the money I needed it, and wouldn't have taken drugs.
He was a stage and screen actor, and Oscar-winning portrayal of writer Truman Capote in "Capote". When he was interviewed in 2006 by CBS's "60 minutes" he was asked whether he abused drugs or alcohol, he replied "Yes, all that stuff,anything I could get my hands on. I liked it all."
I have seen his movies, and I think he was an actor with a lot of talent. I don't understand why any great actors would do drugs and take their life. Why did Philip Seymour Hoffman take his life? Weren't his accomplisments enough to make him happy? Where were his family and friends? Why did he turn to drugs? People everywhere keep asking themselves the same question. When does one have enough money, when are ones accomplishment enough? Why do people end up taking their life, where they have so much. What more could he have done to be happy? How could anyone have helped him? , so he wouldn't have ended his life. Philip Seymour Hoffman will be missed by his family and friends through out the world.
In my opinion, he has a family, acting career , money and yet he turned to drugs. He should have gotten help before was too late. If I were him, I wouldn't never have taken my life. I would have been happy with my wife and children, my acting career and the money I needed it, and wouldn't have taken drugs.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Karen - Google Street View Says Japan Is Top Virtual Tourism Spot in Asia
Google Street View Says Japan Is Top Virtual Tourism Spot in Asia
Google Street View is a tool that we can use and travel around the wold without leave home. But according with some studies our virtual habits are not the same as our real world pursuits.
Japan is the top virtual tourism destination in Asia, people are curious about Mount Fuji according with Street View program. After Japan, we can find on the list of most visited locations, Taiwan and Singapore.
On the 2013 MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index, Bangkok, Thailand is the top Asia destination for real-world tourists, followed by Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, and at number seven Tokyo, Japan.
More interesting is that the study showed up that Bangkok held the number one slot, followed by London, Paris, Singapore and New York. And Japan at the 16th place.
The online interests in Japan and the real world destination in Bangkok, can be explain by some reasons. On the study from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, Thailand is ranked 24th in tourisms openness, and Japan was ranked at 137th. Also Thailand was ranked with regards to the attitude of the local population toward foreign visitors.
But some optimism can be expect about these numbers, Nori
Akashi, public relations manager for the Japan
National Tourism Organization, said that ““We set a goal for 2013 to bring
in 10 million travelers and we reached that goal. Our next goal, with the
Olympics in sight, is probably 20 million.”
I think that the report brought a lot of information and explained why Japan is the most visited country in Google Street View, but in actual visited Bangkok is the top ranked. I wrote about these because I like to traveling and know more about the others culture. If i have the opportunity to go to Japan or Bangkok I'll have no doubts to go.
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