Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Hero - Tony

When people say "Hero" the most people know that means superheros who have  superpowers and the abilities beyond oridnary people. But hero can be someone who just has high - mined and moral sense, who helps or takes care of the other people.

I would love to say that my hero is around me and I know him very well. My dad is my hero and also my mom, but I decide to talk about my dad because I am a male so we are the same gender as each other. So I can describe him much more than mom.

My dad is a businessman. He was born at Bangkok, Thailand. He graduated Master Degree in MBA and Bachelor Degree in Mechanic Engineering. He has Thai Restaurant and factory of rock. He is always busy. So when he has free time. He would like to spend the time with family. He took me and mom to have dinner outside. He likes to travel aboard. He has visited many countries since he was a teenage. He enjoys watching movies and playing golf with his friends. We always go to the theater together. He loves watching Americans movies and reading books. He also learned doctrine. He always go to the temple.

My dad  has never given up for anything as I have seen in my life. He always takes care of me and my mom. He works hard to provide family. He is a gentleman. He respects my mom and cares his son. He could do everything for our comfortable and happiness. He used to have a bad days but he didn't give up but still kept going on. When I had any troubles. He always listened to me and adviced me to solve the problems. When I was child. Sometimes I was bad-behaved or stubborn , my dad didn't hit me but he taught me a lesson .He always understands me. He is who I can always trust him and I didn't have to worry about being misunderstood. When I grew up we always kid and play around to each other. I became a teenager. I could ask and talk about anything with him like we were friend but I also kept being respectful. I honored him as adult and the same time as my friend.

My dad wants me to get a good job, although we already have our own business but he wants me to experience this life by myself. He would cheer me up , support and push me forward. I am pleasure everything what he has done for me and I know that he would stop doing it untill I could succeed my life. I really appreciate my dad so much.

One day  I would repay and take care of him for everything he has done for me and family. I dare saying I love him and I'm glad to be his son.

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